Name of the Education Provider | ASOMI COLLEGE OF SCIENCES |
Institution License Status | Licensed, with License number: 2020-009 |
Brief Profile of the Education Provider | The ASOMI College of Sciences is based upon an educational model that combines the effectiveness of real-world training with academic expertise.
We provide innovative educational models that produce effective results and guarantee quality for students, professionals, and people who have decided to develop their education. We achieve these goals by fostering a learning environment in which recipients become protagonists in the learning experience. Our vision is to increase academic and real-world synergies, building upon resources derived from decades of experience, results in the field, and academic partnerships and accreditations such as that with a renowned British institution, Swansea University. ACS addresses its educational offer at national and international levels by developing academic partnerships able to provide a wide variety of opportunities for the enrichment of its students. Our lecturers and mentors, involved in diverse projects and educational activities, have acquired esteemed professional reputations, and make their expertise available to students. In each academic path, professionals of recognised expertise and ability take part as lecturers through a blended education model (residential in-house and e-learning). We provide education that is intended to be pragmatic and grounded, while also aware of the importance of innovation. ACS undertakes its work by placing its students, collaborators, and staff at the centre of the training process, offering them new opportunities and investing in their growth, training, and development. Accordingly, ACS draws upon qualified staff that will rigorously comply with the administrative activities necessary to offer a wide range of services to students. All staff are highly responsive and able to operate in a range of different kinds of learning environments |
Type of Course | Qualification |
Mode of Delivery | Blended Learning. Work Based Learning |
Title of the Qualification/Award | Master of Business Administration in Sport Management MBA in Sport Management |
MQF/EQF Level | 7 |
Total Number of ECTS for Programme Completion | 90 |
Mode of Attendance | Full-Time |
Programme Duration | 18 Months |
Languages/s of Instruction of Programmes | English and Italian |
Target Group | The target group of this programme includes: individuals who have obtained a qualification in the field of sport and would like to deepen and extend their knowledge and skills; and individuals who are already working and/or have previously worked in the field of sport but want to improve their skills by focusing on managerial aspects of the sector. |
Relationship to Occupation/s |
The course will improve the knowledge and managerial skills of professionals working in the
Entry Requirements | Candidates need to be in possession of a minimum MQF Level 6 full qualification bachelor’s degree in Management, Business, Sport (or a related subject). Ideally, learners will also have some practical working experience within the field of sport. |
Overall Programme Description |
This programme provides students with the skills, competences and knowledge necessary to work effectively in the field of sport, especially in holding a managerial position. It will enable them to explore the theories, tools and practices that can be implemented in the fields of marketing, strategic planning, financing, human-resource management, as well as event and facility planning. Our MBA in Sport Management aims to enhance the already acquired knowledge of its students, with a view to enabling them to improve their employment status. Students have the opportunity to deal with top-level sports industry specialists, where they will learn directly about the management and organisation of currently active companies. |
Learning Outcomes for Knowledge obtained at the end of the programme |
The learner will be able to:
Learning Outcomes for Skills obtained at the end of the programme |
The learner will be able to:
General Assessment Methods | This programme involves various assessment techniques to ensure that learners are assessed across different learning outcomes, knowledge, skills and competences. Such assessment includes case studies, examinations, the formulation of marketing plans, presentations, reports, a literature review and a dissertation. Through the variety of assessments provided, students have the opportunity to demonstrate that they have successfully achieved the learning outcomes. |
Module/Unit Title | Compulsory (C) or Elective (E) | ECTS | MQF Level of each module | Mode of Teaching |
Strategic Sport-Organisation Management | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Finance Administration in Sport | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Strategic Sports-Marketing | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Sport-Events and Facilities Management | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Human-Resource Management in Sports | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Research Methods | Compulsory | 10 | 7 | Lectures, Discussions & Case-Studies |
Dissertation | Compulsory | 30 | 7 | Tutoring |
Total ECTS Requesting Accreditation | 90 ECTS |
Total ECTS Programme Completion | 90 ECTS |
Structure of Programme |
Semester 1:
Semester 2:
Semester 3:
Strategic Sport-Organisation Management
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility |
Competences: At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
Knowledge and Understanding: |
Knowledge: At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: |
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This student-centred module is taught by making use of mixed methods in teaching and learning. Teaching is undertaken through discussions, lectures, presentations, provision of suitable supporting reading material, and analysis of case studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed by completing a case study related to the module covered in the lectures (6,000 words). The assessment is submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. |
Finance Administration in Sport
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility |
Competences: At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
Knowledge and Understanding: |
Knowledge: At the end of the module, the learner will be able to describe the following in detail:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: |
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This student-centred module is taught by making use of mixed methods of teaching and learning. Teaching is undertaken through discussions, lectures, presentations, provision of suitable supporting reading material, and analysis of case studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed via a case study related to the module covered in the lectures (6,000 words). The assessment is submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. |
Strategic Sports Marketing
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility |
Competences: At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
Knowledge and Understanding: |
Knowledge: At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: |
Skills: At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This module is taught making use of student-centred mixed methods of teaching and learning. Teaching is undertaken through reading material, discussions, lectures, presentations and case studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed |
This module is assessed through the formulation of a strategic marketing plan (6,000 words) covering a topic which will be provided by the tutor. This project carries 100% of the total module mark and is comprised of the following:
The assessment is submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. |
Sport-Events and Facilities Management
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility | Competences:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the responsibility to:
Knowledge and Understanding: | Knowledge:
At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: | Skills: At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This student-centred module is taught by making use of mixed methods of teaching and learning. Teaching is undertaken through discussions, lectures, presentations, provision of suitable supporting reading material, and analysis of case studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed through a presentation (30%) and an accompanying report of 4,000 words (70%). The assignments will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. |
Strategic Human-Resource Management in Sports
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility | Competences:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability and autonomy to:
Knowledge and Understanding: | Knowledge:
At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: | Skills:
At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This student-centred module is taught by making use of mixed methods of teaching and learning. Teaching is undertaken through discussions, lectures, presentations, provision of suitable supporting reading material, and analysis of case studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed by analysing a case study related to the module, to be covered in the lectures, and completing a written assessment (6,000 words). The assessment is submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above |
Research Methods
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility | Competences:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
Knowledge and Understanding: | Knowledge:
At the end of the module, the learner will have successfully gained the following knowledge:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: | Skills:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 10 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | This module is taught through the use of mixed methods including lectures, presentations and case-studies. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed by analysing and critically reviewing the literature review and research proposal, which are to be presented according to the following structure:
The above documentation will be 6,000 words and is submitted through VLE. The pass mark is 50% or above. |
Learning Outcomes: | |
Autonomy and Responsibility | Competences:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
Knowledge and Understanding: | Knowledge:
At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: | Skills:
At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:
Mode of Delivery | Fully Online Learning |
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit | 30 |
Explain how this module/unit will be taught | The dissertation project is highly autonomous and accordingly students carry out, design and develop the capstone project mostly individually. Learners are supported by an assigned tutor, who assists them throughout where required; students have the opportunity for one-to-one sessions to review the work being carried out. Responsibility for scheduling the one-to-one meetings lies with the student, which encourages them to be proactive in all aspects of the research process. The student submits the work according to the timeframes agreed with their tutor in a timely manner and in order to allow for critical feedback. |
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed | This module is assessed through the submission of a capstone project (12,000 words). The student is required to identify a problematic situation in a real-world environment, and to write an assessment in which they demonstrate the skills and methods learned in the programme in order to develop a solution that directly addresses the problem. In the assessment the student should present the problem identified, analyse it as a whole, and propose an improvement strategy listing the advantages and disadvantages of the action taken. |