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Name of the Education Provider ASOMI COLLEGE OF SCIENCES
Institution License Status Licensed, with License number: 2020-009
Brief Profile of the Education Provider

The ASOMI College of Sciences is based on the experience of an educational model that combines the effectiveness of the training developed within the academic context.

Our goal is to provide innovative educational models that can develop effective results and grant quality to students, professionals and people who have decided to implement their education, building a learning environment in which they become the protagonists of the learning experience.
We develop a pathway that transfers knowledge, strengthens it and transforms it into skills, allowing people to achieve concrete results.

Our vision is to increase synergies, which take resources from decades of experience, results on the field, and academic partnerships and accreditations such as the one with a renowned British institution, the Swansea University.

The ACS project addresses its educational offer at national and international level by developing academic partnerships able to provide opportunities for the enrichment of its students.

The lecturers and mentors, involved in the projects and educational activities, have acquired an important professional reputation and will make their expertise available to learners. In fact, in each academic path, professionals of recognised value and ability will take part as lecturers and through a blended education model (residential in-house and e-learning). We will provide a product that is intended to be pragmatic and grounded, but also aware of the importance of innovation.
The attention regarding the international guidelines in the educational environment finds its place in a pathway fully designed to meet the students’ aims and expectations.
ACS develops its work considering its students, collaborators and staff at the centre of the training process giving them new opportunities and investing in their growth, training and development. Particular attention is given to all the processes of inclusiveness and equality of treatment, regarding both students and staff.
Therefore, ACS will set and develop a qualified staff that will correctly comply with the management of the administrative activities necessary to offer a wide range of services to students and the ability to be highly responsive and operating in any kind of situation.

Type of Course Qualification
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Title of the Qualification/Award Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Honours) – BSc Psychology (Hons.)
MQF/EQF Level 6
Total Number of ECTS for Programme Completion 180
Mode of Attendance Full-Time
Programme Duration 3 Years
Languages/s of Instruction of Programmes English and Italian
Target Group Learners pursuing a degree in Psychology.
Relationship to Occupation/s

Upon successful completion of this course, students shall be able to undertake various career pathways. This degree allows learners to achieve a stepping-stone into the world of academic psychology. Following successful completion of the degree, graduates will be well placed to:

– Work in Health Services Organisations;

– Work within Business, providing assistance and support;

– Work within Education supporting and providing guidance;

– Embark on Postgraduate Study in Psychology and/or related fields.

Entry Requirements

To be considered eligible, learners shall be in possession of minimum of 5 Matsec Certificate, mainly Maltese, English and Mathematics at Grade 5 or better. RPL also may be considered for some mature students.


Learners are expected to be in possession of the Matriculation Certificate, having 2 Advanced Level and 3 Advanced Intermediate, with one of these being Biology at Grade C or better.


Learners must have good command of the English language. ACS reserves the right to propose an entrance test to assess the level of knowledge of English.

As a licensed education and training provider, ASOMI College guarantees compliance with quality standards as specified in the National Quality Assurance Framework, as issued by the Malta Further Higher Education Authority.

Within the specific context of recognising prior learning (RPL), ASOMI College requires prospective students to submit documentation related to prior learning such as degree certificates and evidence of professional qualifications. The RPL policy at ASOMI College facilitates the proper evaluation of prior knowledge and skills in terms of certifications, alternative access admissions and future learning and development.

Overall Programme Description This programme is designed for undergraduate students looking for the first step towards their career within the field of Psychology. It provides learners with an overview of various areas and specialisations found within Psychology including psychotherapy for the family, that related to sex, to children and adolescents, and to learning and physical disabilities and developmental issues. This programme therefore introduces learners to the complex and dynamic world of Psychology.
Learning Outcomes for Knowledge obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

a) Identify and describe in depth various types of psychological approaches, as well as to evaluate the history of psychology;

b) Demonstrate knowledge of Cognitive, Developmental, Evolutional, Social, Clinical, Educational and General Psychological specialisations.

Learning Outcomes for Skills obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

a) Articulate critical and creative thinking with reference to psychology;

b) Apply various psychological theories and approaches to real-life situations;

c) Direct various research methodologies relevant to psychology in order to conduct effective and efficient research studies;

d) Show in-depth understanding of the various historical and contemporary roles of psychologists and their work;

e) Demonstrate understanding of key methods, theories and main findings of psychology;

f) Employ research methodologies to investigate contemporary scientific research within the field of psychology.

General Assessment Methods

This course shall use a mixture of group presentations, group reports, individual presentations, individual reports, written assignments and examinations varying according to the module at hand. During online examinations, software will be used that requires the student’s webcam and microphone to be switched on; it must be kept switched on for the duration of the examination. Students must identify themselves by showing ID at the start of the exam, and then show the room and surrounding space via a webcam on their device. Exams consist of closed and open questions and there will be a time limit for each question.

The questions will be proposed to each student in a random order as determined by the software. The software also utilises a locked browser that prevents the student from leaving the exam page. If such an attempt is made, the exam will be stopped immediately. A tutor will monitor the exam live, and everything will be recorded so that the material can be viewed even after the examination has been completed.

In the event of a fail, the student will be given the opportunity to revisit the assessment with the relevant tutor to understand the errors and be able to retake the assessment at an agreed later date. The minimum time before the remedial assessment will be one month from the date on which the notice of failure was received. The student will have two assessment dates, the official date and the make-up date, in order to pass the assessment. Should the student fail the assessment again, they will be required to pay a fee of €150

The Programme Structure:

Module/Unit Title Compulsory (C) or Elective (E) ECTS MQF Level of each module Mode of Teaching
Biological and Physiological Psychology Compulsory 8 6 VLE
Developmental and Learning Psychology Compulsory 10 6 VLE
Social Psychology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Cognitive Psychology and the Brain Compulsory 10 6 VLE
Introduction to the Psychology Profession and Ethics Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychodynamic and Humanistic Perspectives to Human Behaviour Compulsory 8 6 VLE
Behaviour Analysis Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Research Methods Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Data Analysis for Psychologists Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Psychology of Health and Wellbeing Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Motivational Psychology: Sport Psychology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Motivational Psychology: Work Psychology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences Compulsory 8 6 VLE
Psychopathology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychological and Psychometric Assessment Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Evolutionary Psychology Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Addictive Behaviour Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Typical and Atypical Language Development and Child Language Acquisition Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Forensic Psychology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychology of Small Groups Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Conflict Psychology Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychobiology of Pain and Rehabilitation Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychiatry Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Psychotherapy Compulsory 6 6 VLE
Practical Psychology Compulsory 4 6 VLE
Research Project/Dissertation for Psychologists Compulsory 18 6 VLE
Elective Study Units: Compulsory (2 units a choice) 8 6
Psychology of Ageing 4
Psychology of the Family 4
Psychology of Sexuality 4
Anthropology 4


Total ECTS Requesting Accreditation 180 ECTS
Total ECTS Programme Completion 180 ECTS
Exit Awards/Qualification BSc in Psychology (Honours)
Structure of Programme

1st Year:

  • 1st Semester:

– Biological and Physiological Psychology

– Developmental and Learning Psychology

– Social Psychology

– Cognitive Psychology and the Brain

  • 2nd Semester:

– Introduction to the Psychology Profession and Ethics

Psychodynamic and Humanistic Perspectives to Human Behaviour

– Behaviour Analysis

– Research Methods

– Data Analysis for Psychologists

2nd Year:

  • 1st Semester:

– Psychology of Health and Wellbeing

– Motivational Psychology: Work Psychology

– Motivational Psychology: Sport Psychology

– Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

– Psychopathology

– Psychological and Psychometric Assessment

· 2nd Semester:

– Evolutionary Psychology

– Addictive Behaviour

– Typical and Atypical Language Development and Child Language Acquisition

– Forensic Psychology

– Psychology of Small Groups


3rd year:

· 1st Semester:

– Conflict Psychology

– Psychobiology of Pain and Rehabilitation

– Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

· 2nd Semester:

– Psychiatry

– Psychotherapy

– Practical Psychology

Elective study units:

– Psychology of Ageing

– Psychology of the Family

– Psychology of Sexuality

– Anthropology


· Dissertation: At the end of the final semester of the third academic year, the student will focus on writing their thesis.

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Biological and Physiological Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility


At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability and autonomy to:

  • Describe the functions of the brain;
  • Collaborate in tissue analysis;
  • Participate in studies of the anatomy and functioning of the brain in relation to behaviour;
  • Articulate established theories in biological and physiological psychology
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Articulate the fundamentals of biological and physiological behaviour, including the following topics;
    • History of Biological Psychology;
    • The Origins of the Brain and Behaviour;
    • Types of Behaviour;
  2. Describe the Nervous System as it pertains to the following topics;
    • The Nervous System’s Functional Anatomy;
    • The Functional Units of Nervous System;
    • Information Transmission in Nervous System;
    • Neurons Communication and Adaptation;
  3. Describe significant Biological Principles and Theories such as the following;
    • Genetics, Evolution, Development and Plasticity;
    • Vision and other Sensory Systems;
    • Movement, Wakefulness and Sleep;
  4. Name various major Brain Functions such as the following;
    • Intelligence;
    • Memory;
    • Learning;
  5. Articulate the defining characteristics of significant disorders in Psychology such as the following;
    • Neurodevelopmental Disorders;
    • Bipolar and Related Disorders;
    • Anxiety Disorder;
    • Stress Related Disorders;
    • Dissociative Disorders;
    • Somatic Symptom Disorder;
    • Eating Disorders;
    • Sleep Disorders;
    • Disruptive Disorders;
    • Depressive Disorders;
    • Substance-Related Disorders;
    • Neurocognitive Disorders;
    • Schizophrenia;
    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder;
    • Personality Disorders;
  6. Show evidence of ability to utilise Research Methods in relation to Anatomy.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to identify various behaviours;
  • Ability to assess behaviour through the basics of brain anatomy and physiology;
  • Ability to examine how brain anatomy and physiology affect psychological functions;
  • Ability to assess physiological mechanisms involved in behaviour;
  • Ability to connect real-world behaviour to activities specific to particular the brain areas;
  • Ability to discuss behaviour which is based on the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the brain
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on key theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Developmental and Learning Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility


At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • difficulties in the development of the individual at various stages of life;
  • Describe the child’s development state from a cognitive, personal, social and moral point of view;
  • Analyse the environment in which the child develops from a family and cultural point of view;
  • Apply the knowledge acquired on the development of subjects to different social and cultural contexts.
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module, the learner will be able to describe the following:

  1. Ability to describe the history of Developmental Psychology, including the following topics:
    • Developmental Psychology throughout the Years;
    • Recent Theoretical Approaches;
    • The Life-Span Perspective;
    • Ethics in Life-Span Research.
  2. Ability to discern characteristics of Developmental Genetic Foundations as related to the following topics:
    • What are Genetic Foundations?;
    • Reproductive Choices;
    • Environment and Development;
    • Heredity and the Environment;
    • Prenatal Development;
    • Prenatal Influences;
    • Childbirth;
  3. Ability to characterise psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Infants and Toddlers (0-2 Years), including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Body Growth, Brain Development, Learning Capacities, Motor Development, Perceptual Development);
    • Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood (Processing Information);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  4. Ability to characterise psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Early Childhood (2-6 Years), including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Changing Body and Brain, Physical Growth and Health, Motor Development);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  5. Ability to characterise psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Mid-Childhood (6-11 Years), including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Physical Development, Common Health Problems, Motor Problems, Body Growth);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  6. Transitioning into Adulthood (Adolescents), including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Adolescence, Puberty, Pyschological Implications of Pubertal Eventsl, Health, Piaget’s Theory, Sex Differences, Learning in School);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  7. Ability to characterise psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Early Adulthood, including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Biological Aging, Physical Changes, Health and Fitness, Structure of Thought, Creativity, The University Experience);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  8. Ability to characterize psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Mid-Adulthood, including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Physical Changes; Fitness, Health, Adapting to Midlife Changes, Health Issues, Changes in Mental Abilities, Processing Information, Becoming a student later in life);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  9. Ability to characterize psychological and physiological factors pertaining to Late Adulthood, including in relation to:
    • Cognitive and Physical Development (Life Expectancy, Changes Physical, Disability, Fitness, Health, Memory, Language, Problem Solving, Wisdom);
    • Social and Emotional Development (Erikson’s Theory);
  10. Ability to characterize psychological and physiological factors pertaining to End of Life, including in relation to:
    • Attitudes toward Death;
    • Emotions and Thoughts of Dying People;
    • The Right to Die;
    • Bereavement.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to describe child development from a physical, cognitive, moral, social and personality perspective;
  • Identification of characteristics of the family and cultural system in which development takes place;
  • Demonstrate main difficulties in childhood development;
  • Ability to describe the influence of societies on human development;
  • Evaluate the influence of the main sources of information and learning on the development of the individual personality;
  • Ability to analyse the applicability of theoretical concepts to the different stages of development.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 10
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination (60%) and through the use of an oral exam (40%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The oral assessment will be conducted by asking the student to switch on both the microphone and the web cam so that the teacher has direct contact with the student.
Social Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility


At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Evaluate changes in the attitudes of people, or groups of people, exposed to social and intercultural influence;
  • Quantify changes in culture and assess how these changes in culture influence the thoughts of motives and actions of individuals;
  • Critically assess how individuals are affected by certain social and anthropological influences.
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Social Psychology, including:
    • social processes;
    • cognitive processes;
    • relationships between individuals;
    • social and cognitive influences;
    • Understand individual behaviour;
  2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Anthropology, including:
    • historical, cultural, linguistic and social characteristics;
    • social differences between ethnic groups;
    • characteristics of behaviour;
  3. Evidence of understanding the ways in which cultural diversity is defined and discussed.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

    • Ability to describe group dynamics;
    • Ability to discuss the perception of oneself and others;
    • Ability to list the influences on behaviour mediated by different social and cultural attitudes;
    • Critically assess the role of social and cultural bias in perception;
    • Knowledgeably evaluate ways in which an individual’s attitudes can influence behaviour.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen and arguing the topic presented (50%) and an individual report (50%). The presentation and the report will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.

The report will be 1200 words.

Cognitive Psychology and the Brain
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Make proper use of critical and creative thinking;
  • Manage and organise human and material resources for the management of projects.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology, including the following areas:
    • History of Cognitive Psychology;
    • What is Cognitive Psychology;
    • Cognitive Psychology for Mental Health;
    • The Impact of Cognitive Psychology;
    • Psychology and the Brain;
    • Research Using Lesions;
    • Mind-body Dualism;
  • Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the Brain, including as related to the following topics:
    • >The History of Brain Science in Psychology;
    • >Brain Science;
    • >The Brain as a Tool;
    • >Brain Science and Cognitive Psychology Applied;
  • Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Cognition, the Brain & Behaviour, including as related to the following topics:
    • >Sensation and perception;
    • >Learning and memory;
    • >Attention;
    • >Mental imagery;
    • >Conceptual representation;
    • >Aging;
    • >Language;
    • >Emotion;
    • >Motor control;
    • >Social cognition;
    • >Moral decision making;
    • >Neurological disorders;
  • Awareness of the possibilities of Cognitive Research, as pertaining to the following:
    • Subjects for Studies;
    • Methodologies for Tests;
    • Functional Neuroimaging Techniques
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Identify relevant theories and results in different areas of cognitive psychology;
  • Ability to describe various methodologies applied to cognitive psychology;
  • Ability to define fundamental issues for the different areas of cognition and cognitive neuroscience;
  • Demonstration of communication and listening skills by asking questions and contributing to discussions;
  • Critical evaluation of the most appropriate research methodologies for specific areas of cognition;
  • Knowledgeably compare the application of different analysis methodologies to healthy or disabled populations.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 10
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%).

The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.

Introduction to the Psychology Profession and Ethics
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Apply knowledge and understanding of psychology to related real-world issues;
  • Produce oral and written forms of communication effectively in both formal and informal settings;
  • Engage in, and demonstrate independent study skills;
  • Collaborate effectively with others in shared tasks to achieve a common goal;
  • Manage the challenges posed by potential conflicts between role morality and personal morality, and consider ways of resolving such conflicts.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the field of Psychology as a profession, including as related to the following topics:
2. The Psychologist profession;
3. Types of Psychologists in the field;
4. Evidence of understanding the importance of ethics within the workplace, including as related to the following topics:
5. Ethics as a Personal Attitude;
6. Ethics as Implemented Knowledge;
7. Evidence of understanding the nature of Psychology as a discipline;
8. Evidence of understanding the nature of research in Psychology;
9. Evidence of understanding the importance of the significance of Culture, Ethics and Diversity in the profession;
10. Evidence of an awareness of classic and contemporary psychological theory.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to describe the main fields of study in modern psychology and the major theories associate with these;
  • Critically assess psychological processes which underpin and relate to human behaviour;
  • Ability to relate psychological theory to real-world situations;
  • Application of a critical perspective to psychological knowledge;
  • Ability to illustrate an ability to identify and utilize psychological evidence;
  • Knowledgeable communication contemporary practice within psychology;
  • Ability to utilise 21st century technology to communicate evidence-based practice within psychology.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation via sharing the student’s screen (50%) and an individual report (50%). The report will be 1200 words. The presentation and the report will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Psychodynamic and Humanistic Perspectives to Human Behaviour
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Effectively evaluate the development of psychotherapy over time, extending from classical psychoanalysis to humanistic psychotherapy;
· Assess the applicability of various psychodynamic theories to contemporary therapeutic practice;
· Successfully manage independent research on human-centred care and object-relations theory.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychotherapy, including the following topics:

– What is Psychotherapy?;
– The history of Psychotherapy from Freud and Klein to Rogers and Bowlby;
– The nature and development of humanistic therapy, past and present.

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychodynamic Therapy, including as related to the
following topics:

– Unconscious;
– Object-relations theory;
– The Depressive Position;
– Splitting and Projective Identification;
– Empathetic Understanding.

3. Evidence of understanding the clinical fundamentals of Psychodynamic care today:

– Psychopathology and Splitting;
– Childhood experience and unconscious motives.

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of a Person-Centred Approach, as related to the following:

– Boundaries and the Therapeutic Relationship;
– Unconditional Positive Regard;
– Self-actualisation;
– Attachment Theory.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Ability to describe the essential concepts in psychotherapy;
· Critically assess the key theories of the humanistic and existential schools, highlighting their differences and similarities;
· Identify the concepts underlying the development of Person-Centred care.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through an individual assignment (100%).

The assignment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The assignment will be 3200 words.

Behaviour Analysis
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Comply with the guiding principles of behavioural analysis;
· Advise others with regard to behavioural assessment and analysis.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

a) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Behaviour Analysis, including as related to the following topics:

– History of Behavioural Analysis;
– What is Behaviourism?;

b) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Experimental and Applied Analysis, including as related to the following topics:

– Experimental Analysis (research designed to add to the body of knowledge);
– Applied Analysis (applying behaviour to real-world situations);

c) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of particular Techniques and Strategies, including as related to the following:

– Chaining;
– Prompting;
– Shaping;

d) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of particular practical applications, including as related to the following:

– Children with Development Difficulties;
– Lovaas Method and ABA;
– Trial Training.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Ability to describe behaviour measurement techniques;
· Ability to define basic procedures for changing behaviour;
· Identify the applications of the behaviour change;
· Knowledgeably describe the theories and applied processes developed by analysts of behaviour;
· Ability to identify and assess the relevance of published works of relevance to the analysis of behaviour.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen (100%). The presentation will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Research Methods
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Carry out research demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the nature and structure of psychological research-project design;
· Ensure the correct use of psychological methodologies and demonstrate the ability to process, interpret, evaluate and communicate the analysis of datasets;
· Work in relation to the ethical issues involved in conducting psychological research.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of research methods in Psychology as related to the following topics:

– Experimental vs Non-Experimental;
– Reliability and Validity in Research Design;
– Different Analytical Tests;
– Correlation and Causation;
– Reporting Research;
– Probability and Testing;

2. Evidence of understanding different methods of Psychological Research, as related to the

– Case Studies;
– Experiments;
– Observational Studies;
– Surveys;
– Content Analysis;
– Introduction to Data Analysis

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Communication in Research, as related to the

– Communicating Complex Ideas and Issues;
– Written and Verbal Communication;
– Effective use of Question & Answer sessions

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Presenting Data, as related to the following:

– Tables;
– Frequency Plots;
– Cumulative Frequency Plots, Histograms, Stem & Leaf Plots;
– Scatter Plots;
– Bar Charts;
– Simple and Factorial Designs;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Knowledgeably describe the nature and structure of psychological research design;
· Ability to identify qualitative methodologies and to recognise the analysis involved in different types of quantitative datasets;
· Take responsibility for the completion of their own ongoing evaluation, meeting rolling deadlines;
· Ability to navigate a widely used statistical computer software, the ‘Statistical Package for the Social Sciences’ (SPSS).
· Correctly interpret the results of data analysis, and report results using approved conventions.

Mode of Delivery Blended Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a research proposal for the final dissertation (70%) and an oral presentation (30%).
Data Analysis for Psychologists
Learning Outcomes:  
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Demonstrate understanding of qualitative and quantitative data analysis;
· Appropriately identify appropriate use of data analysis in varied settings;
· Knowledgeably evaluate the strengths and weakness of different forms of data input and analysis, as used by contemporary psychology;
· Apply different data collection models to psychological research.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Ability to interpret quantitative data:

– Inferential statistics (charts, graphs and probability distribution);
– Standard deviation;
– Comparison of quantitative datasets;
– Calculation of frequencies (nominal level data);

2. Ability to recognise varying approaches to qualitative data:

– Focus groups;
– Participant Observation;
– Structured and semi-structured interviews;
– Grounded theory approaches;

3. Ability to perform data checking procedures, factor analysis, and advanced regression techniques quickly and without error using SPSS; Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Sampling and Population Distributions, as related to the following:

– Skew;
– Kurtosis;
– Bimodal Distributions;
– Transforming Data;
– Normal Distribution;
– Z-Scores;
– Sampling Distribution of the Mean;
– Central Limit Theorem;
– Standard Error;
– Confidence Intervals,

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics, as related to the following:

– Means;
– Modes;
– Medians;
– Percentiles;
– Variance;
– Standard Deviation;
– Interquartile Range;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Knowledgeably indentify appropriate recourse to qualitative and quantitative psychological research methods;
  • Utilise a mixed-methods approach to a given psychological case-study;
  • Locate and employ an existing dataset in an existing clinical setting.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability and autonomy to:

· Create a report describing the impact of transitions of life-span on health and wellbeing;
· Produce solutions by applying critical problem-solving, and critical and creative thinking techniques;
· Critically assess the psychological management component of pain and chronic/terminal illness;
· Understand the management of patients in a therapeutic context;
· Successfully manage epidemiological information effectively for planning and evaluating strategies in illness prevention.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner be able to demonstrate:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Health and Wellbeing Psychology as related to the following topics:

– What is Health and Wellbeing Psychology;
– The Role of Psychology in Health and Wellbeing;

2. Evidence of understanding the Principles and Models of Health Psychology as related to the following topics:

– The Biopsychosocial Model;
– Goals of Health Psychology;
– Focuses of Health Psychology;
– Clinical and Public Health Psychology;
– Critical Health Psychology;

3. Evidence of understanding the Biopsychosocial Model as related to the following topics:

– Biological Influences on Health;
– Psychological Influences on Health;
– Social Influences on Health;
– Cultural Influences on Health;
– Application of the Biopsychosocial Model;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Research in Health Psychology as related to the following topics:

– What is Epidemiology;
– Clinical Findings, Pathology and Epidemiology of Disease;
– Findings of Epidemiology;
– Target Population, Study Population and Study Sample;
– Orientation of Epidemiology Studies;
– Reporting Epidemiological Data.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

· Ability to define the epidemiology of health and disease;
· Identify the main changes that occur during the stages of life in normal and pathological conditions highlighting the role of the family;
· Critically evaluate the theories and evidence about the impact of age transitions on lifespan, wellbeing and health;
· Ability to define health behaviour patterns;
· Knowledgeably assess the therapeutic context and management of pain and chronic/terminal disease;

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through an assignment (60%) and an oral assessment (40%). The assignement will be submitted through VLE and will be 1200 words. The oral assessment will be by VLE and the student will be required to keep the web cam and microphone switched on.

The pass mark is 50%.

Motivational Psychology: Sport Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Manage workload in order to achieve objectives effectively;
  • Ensure the application of mental skills in order to improve general well-being and productivity in the sporting environment;
  • Carry out the proposed tasks in order to improve skills and set new objectives.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to demonstrate:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Motivation Psychology, including as related to the following topics:

– What is Sport Motivation Psychology;
– Content, Process and Cognitive Theories of Motivation;
– Motivational Theories in Sports;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Sports Psychology, including as related to the following topics:

– Psychological Arousal;
– Optimal Functioning Hypothesis;
– Hull-Spence Drive Theory;
– Arousal-Biased Competition Theory;
– Two Memory Systems Theory;
– Processing Efficiency Theory.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to describe the main theories of motivational psychology in the field of sport and competition;
  • Critically assess the psychological factors that influence sporting performance;
  • Knowledgeably identify the beneficial effects of physical exercise in the psychological field.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an individual presentation (50%) and an individual report (50%). The report will be 1200 words and it will be submitted through VLE. The pass mark is 50% or above.
Motivational Psychology: Work Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Manage the workload effectively to achieve set goals;
· Ensure the application of mental skills in order to improve overall wellbeing and productivity at work and in personal life;
· Monitor goals and objectives in order to achieve them effectively.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Motivation Psychology, including as related to the following topics:

– What is Motivation Psychology?;
– Theories of Motivation;
– Content, Process and Cognitive Theories of Motivation;
– Motivational Theories in Business;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Work and Business Psychology.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Critically evaluate the main theories of motivational psychology;
· Knowledgeably identify the contributions of psychology to the world of work;
· Ability to describe the psychological factors that influence work performance and relationships.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an individual presentation (50%) and an individual report (50%). The report will be 1200 words and will be submitted through VLE. The pass mark is 50% or above.
Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Recognise pathological effects in specific subjects through the analysis of neuroimaging material and behavioural studies;
  • Collaborate with specific personnel in the management of a patient with neurological disorders.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

a) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Neuroanatomy, as related to the following topics:

– Basics of Neuroanatomy;
– Introducing to Neuropsychological Functions;
– Common Neurological Conditions;

b) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Neuropsychological Assessment, as related to the following topics:

– Principles and Practices of Neuropsychological Assessment;
– Cognitive and Physiological Changes across the Lifespan;

c) Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Neurorehabilitation, as related to the following topics:

– Consideration of the Emotional Impact of Neurophysiological Deficits;
– Adaptions to assessment and interventions for people with cognitive impairments.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

  • At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills: Ability to describe the different thematic areas of cognition;
  • Critically evaluate cognition research methodologies for healthy and disabled populations;
  • Knowledgeably characterise the principles of neuropsychological assessment;
  • Ability to assess the theories and concepts behind brain function.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an assignment (100%).

The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The assignement will be 3200 words.

Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Monitor options and choose the most appropriate approach to treating psychological disorders based on recent evidence;
  • Analyse new ideas sensibly and formulate hypotheses about them.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychopathology, as related to the following:

– What is DSM-5?;
– Use of DSM-5;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Diagnostic Criteria, as related to the following topics:

– Neurodevelopmental Disorders;
– Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders;
– Bipolar and Related Disorders;
– Anxiety Disorders;
– Depressive Disorders;
– Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders;
– Trauma- and Stress-Related Disorders;
– Dissociative Disorders;
– Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders;
– Eating Disorders;
– Elimination Disorders;
– Sleep-Wake Disorders;
– Sexual Dysfunctions;
– Gender Dysphoria;
– Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders;
– Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders;
– Neurocognitive Disorders;
– Personality Disorders;
– Paraphilic Disorders;
– Other Mental Disorders.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Knowledgeably identify the main symptoms and signs related to specific psychological and behavioural changes;
  • Ability to define theories on the aetiology of problems related to the psyche, behaviour and emotions;
  • Ability to critically evaluate the theories learned.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an assignment (100%).

The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The assignement will be 2400 words.

Psychological and Psychometric Assessment
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Carry out psychometric tests relevant to a specific context in the psychological field under the supervision of a clinical psychologist;
  • Produce a critical analysis of the most frequently used psychometric tests.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Creating, Testing and Evaluating Statistics, as related to the following topics:

– Introducing Statistics;
– Statistical Concepts to Create Tests;
– Evaluating Statistics;
– Administering Tests;
– Evaluating Psychological Assessments;

2. Evidence of understanding the Principles of Psychometrics, as related to the following topics:

– Psychometric Testing;
– Use of Psychometric Testing;
– Personality and Cognitive Abilities;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychological Assessment, as related to the following topics:

– Overview of Psychological Testing;
– Individual Characteristics and Capabilities;
– Methods and Measures;
– Records, Interviews, Behavioural Observations, Interviews, Formal Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Ability to critically discuss the use of physiological tests;
· Assess and illustrate the methods of administering and evaluating psychometric tests;
· Ability to differentiate varying concepts behind psychological assessment;
· Knowledgeably identify the different uses of psychometric tests in practice.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assesed through the use of an oral assessment (100%).

The oral assessment will be conducted by asking the student to switch on both the microphone and the web cam so that the teacher has direct contact with the student.

Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Create a critical reflection on the processes of evolution in psychology.
· Articulate evolutionary theory to effectively describe human behaviour.
· Critically evaluate issues and perspectives in evolutionary psychology.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Ability to describe an appropriate understanding of the processes of evolution in the context of psychology;
  2. Critically interpret the evidence relating to human origins and cultural evolution;
  3. Knowledgeably evaluate evolutionary theories which claim to account for human behaviour.
  4. Demonstrate a clear understanding of evolutionary theory and its application in the study of human behaviour.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to examine and evaluate the principles of evolutionary psychology, including the role of genes in behaviour;
  • Knowledgeably describe the controversies in relation to evolutionary psychology;
  • Collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms;
  • Effective interaction with others to work towards a common outcome;
  • Selection and use of the appropriate level, style and means of communication;
  • Engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Addictive Behaviour
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Discuss and collaborate in a workshop and in online activities.
· Communicate orally in a confident and persuasive manner scientific evidence in support of theoretical arguments concerning the nature of human addictive behaviour;
· Manage arguments about addictions with a focus on different perspectives and theories;
· Produce elements of debate about the psychopharmacology of addiction, specifically regarding its effects on the brain and behaviour;
· Be attentive to contemporary issues in addiction psychology and their application to inform and interpret policy.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of addiction with a focus on different perspectives and theories;
2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the Psychopharmacology of addiction;
3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Social and Cultural issues in addiction;
4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of substance v non-substance-related addiction;
5. Evidence of knowledge of contemporary issues in the psychology of addictions and their application with regard to informing policy.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the main theories, concepts, and principles of addictions research;
  • Knowledgeably collect and interpret data related to different perspectives on addictions research;
  • Assessment of current research and contribution to debates on a contemporary issue in addictions;
  • Ability to offer professional perspectives, interpretations and solutions to problems and issues;
  • Ability to review and critically assess published work to an advanced level and present a logical, coherent and sustained argument to support conclusions.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Typical and Atypical Language Development and Child Language Acquisition
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Carry out research in language development;
  • Create effective research reports with regard to language development;
  • Manage the development, planning and implementation of projects.
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Child Development as related to the following topics:

– Child Development Milestones;
– Cognition;
– Language;
– Motor Co-ordination;
– Social Interaction;
– Adaptive;
– Patterns of Growth within Children;
– Culture and Environment Contributions in Child Behaviour;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Typical Language Development, as related to the following topics:

– What is Speech?;
– Ways which Child Hear and Talks;
– Reading and Writing;
– Communication Development;
– Social Language Uses;
– Exposure to Foreign Language;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Atypical Language Development as related to the following topics:

– Prognosis;
– Early Identification of Speech, Language and Hearing Disorders;
– Speech and Language Problems in Children;
– Language Problems as an Attribute to another Condition;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Theories of Language Acquisition as related to the following topics:

– Behaviourist Approach;
– Innateness Approach;
– Cognitive Approach;
– Interaction Approach;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Research Methods in Child Language as related to the following topics:

– Assessing Phonological Knowledge, Grammatical and Vocabulary Skills;
– Recording, Transcribing and Coding Interaction;
– Studying Gestures;
– Sampling (Dense and Not Sampling);
– Cross linguistic Research;

6. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Uses of Digital Devices as related to the following topics:

– Language Development in the Digital Age;
– Role of Digital Technology in Language Acquisition.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Knowledgeably describe key principles of typical and atypical language development;
  • Identify the mechanisms of underlying language acquisition and major theoretical approaches;
  • Ability to assess investigative techniques used in research projects;
  • Critically apply information technology through the use of digital devices, applications, and services;
  • Ability to list the various influences on language functioning.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module is assessed through an individual assignment (100%).

The assignement will be submitted through VLE and it will be 2400 words. The pass mark is 50%.

Forensic Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Differentiate different types of criminal behaviour;
  • Collaborate during the production of an effective analysis of criminal behaviour under the supervision of a professional;
  • Ensure the effective implementation of the acquired knowledge into criminal justice practice.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Forensic Psychology as related to the following topics:

– What is Forensic Psychology;
– The role of Psychology in criminal justice;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of criminal behaviour as related to the following topics:

– Types of Criminal Behaviour;
– Development of Criminal Behaviour;
– Behavioural Response to Criminality – Imprisonment;
– Behavioural Response to Criminality – Rehabilitation;
– Social Factors Influencing Criminal Behaviour;

– Evidence of understanding the role of Psychology as related to the following topics:
– Aggression;
– Violence;
– Sexual Offences;
– Mental Disorders;

3. Evidence of understanding the role of Psychology in incarceration as related to the following topics:

– Crime Analysis;
– Interviewing, Deception and Eye Witnessing;
– Police Psychology;
– Criminal Investigations;
– Expert Witnesses;

4. Evidence of understanding the role of Psychology in rehabilitation, as related to the following topics:

– Methods for Prison Rehabilitation;
– Clinical Role;
– Experimental Role;
– Actuarial Role;
– Advisory Role;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of a Criminal Psychology career, as related to the following topics:

– Benefits of Forensic Psychology Career;
– Challenges in Forensic Psychology Career.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to understand criminality to ensure proper understanding and the take proper decisions within the field of criminal psychology;
  • Awareness of the development of criminal behaviour;
  • Knowledgeable assessment of the social factors that influence criminal behaviour;
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the theories that help in the understanding of criminal behaviour;
  • Evaluate the role of psychology in the criminal justice system.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Psychology of Small Groups
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Apply various principles and theories of group development to analyse structure and cohesion;
  • Collaborate with team members in small groups;
  • Supervise small groups;
  • Monitor changes in small groups pertaining to structure, functions and size;
  • Observe and analyse group processes.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Small Groups as related to the following topics:

– What is a Group?;
– Characteristics of Small Groups;
– Size of Small Groups;
– Primary Groups vs Secondary Groups;
– The Science of Group Dynamics;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of The Individual and The Group, as related to the following topics:

– Different Roles within Small Groups;
– Social Identity Theory;
– Social Cognitive Theory;
– Stereotyping;
– Methodology in Sociocultural;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Functions of Small Groups, as related to the following topics:

– Groups Meet Instrumental Needs;
– Meet Interpersonal Needs;
– Meet Identity Needs;

4. Evidence of understanding the Types of Small Groups, as related to the following topics:

– Task-Oriented;
– Relational-Oriented;
– Primary Groups;
– Teams;
– Virtual Groups;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Communication in Small Groups, as related to the following topics:

– Importance of Small Group Communication;
– Shared Ideas;
– Accountability;
– Strategies;

6. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Challenges and Benefits of Small Groups, as related to the following topics:

– Advantages of Small Groups;
– Disadvantages of Small Groups.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate understanding of topics related to small groups;
  • Critically identify ways in which different groups interrelate with one another;
  • Knowledgeably assess the principles of effective and ineffective groups;
  • Evaluate the differences between different types of groups;
  • Ability to interpret behaviour within groups;
  • Articulate understanding of small groups communication strategies;
  • Ability to assess the characteristics pertaining to small groups;
  • Demonstrate understanding of the functions of small groups;
  • Critically differentiate between different types of small groups;
  • Identify the benefits and challenges of small groups;
  • Ability to evaluate group processes through their observation and analysis.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen (50%) and an individual report (50%). The presentation and the report will be submitted through VLE.

The report will be 800 words. The pass mark is 50% or above.

Conflict Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Monitor understanding of the psychological causes and consequences of conflict at levels ranging from the interpersonal to the international;
  • Collaborate in problem solving and communication regarding practical problems of conflict resolution;
  • Critically reflect on the values implicit in psychological approaches to conflict, violence, and peace.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of theoretical, empirical, and practical connections across disciplines.
  2. Critically identifying and challenging hidden assumptions regarding conflict resolution.
  3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of integrating personal experiences and values with the theories and concepts discussed;
  4. Demonstrate reflective learning and active engagement;
  5. Evidence of openness and respect towards diverse cultures, opinions, and orientations.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to articulate the processes of, and engage in constructive dialogue about the psychology of conflict, violence, and peace;
  • Critically reflect upon the link between one’s own development, personality and behaviour and the construction of peace at multiple levels;
  • Demonstrate strong links between theory and practice in the understanding of the psychology of conflict resolution;
  • Critically evaluate knowledge and understanding of the main social psychological theoretical approaches to behaviour;
  • Assess and critically evaluate the methods and findings of key research studies into group and individual social behaviour;
  • Knowledgeably identify social psychological perspectives on gender and culture.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an individual assignment (100%). The assignement will be submitted through VLE and it will be 2400 words. The pass mark is 50%.
Psychobiology of Pain and Rehabilitation
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Assist professionals in the supervision of pain and rehabilitation patients;
  • Monitor pain using psychodiagnostic tools under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Assist in the monitoring of the applicability of cognitive-behavioural therapies in analgesic pain.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. vidence of understanding the fundamentals of the Psychology of Pain, as related to the following topics:

– What is Health Psychology;
– History of Health Psychology;
– Methodological Issues in Health Psychology;
– Trends in Health Psychology;
– What is Psychology of Pain;
– The Role of Psychology in Pain Management;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Pain Management and Psychology as related to the following topics:

– The Psychobiological Perspective of Pain;
– The Physiological Perspective of Pain;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Health Pscyhology as related to the following topics:

– Health related Behaviours and Cognitions;
– Stress;
– Health and Illness;
– Treatments;
– Pain Management;
– Chronic and Terminal Illness;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Pain, as related to the following topics:

– Pain Theories;
– Models of Pain;
– Research in Pain Management;
– Main Interventions in Pain Management;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Rehabilitation, as related to the following topics:

– What is Rehabilitation;
– The Role of Psychology in Rehabilitation;
– Challenges in Rehabilitation Psychology;
– Procedures of Rehabilitation Psychology.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Exhibit an understanding of the guiding principles, theories and research regarding behaviours, personality attributes and environmental aspects affecting health and illnesses;
  • Demonstrate familiarity with theories and research in areas related to pain management and rehabilitation psychology;
  • Knowledgeably identify the role of psychology in pain management;
  • Ability to examine the role of psychology in rehabilitation.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (60%) and oral examination (40%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE. The oral assessment will be by VLE and the student will be required to keep theie web cam and microphone switched on. The pass mark is 50%.
Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Assist in the management and monitoring of the treatment of specific psychopathological conditions in children and adolescents under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Identify the varying possible reactions and perspectives of parents with children and adolescents with psychopathological disorders;
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Working with Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities, as related to the following topics:

– Community Based Support;
– Mental Health;
– Families, Schools and Agencies;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Disorders and Disabilities, as related to the following topics:

– Depression in Children;
– Conduct Disorders;
– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders;
– Language Disorders;
– Sphincter Control;
– Pervasive Developmental Disorder;
– Down Syndrome;
– Cognitive Impairment;
– Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida;
– Traumatic Brain Injury;
– Anxiety Disorders;
– Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse;
– Child Abuse;
– Schizophrenia
– Neurotic, Somatoform and Stress Related Disorders;
– Eating Control Disorders;
– Sensory Disabilities;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Medication, as related to the following topics:

– Common Medication given to Children with Developmental Disabilities
– Side Effects of Medication;
– Dealing with Children and Adolescents with the Side Effects of certain Medication.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Critically evaluate the symptomatology of psychopathological conditions in childhood and adolescence;
  • Identify the major diagnostic and therapeutic tools for psychopathological conditions in childhood and adolescence;
  • Compare and contrast different conditions in the context of childhood and adolescence;
  • Ability to assess the most appropriate treatment approaches for different conditions;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different symptoms associated with different psychopathological conditions;
  • Identify various tools for assessing and diagnosing conditions and psycho-educational and pharmacological interventions.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE, and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Identify and cogently evaluate the key methods, questions, themes and topics in the philosophy of psychiatry;
  • Critically distinguish and evaluate different approaches and arguments within core areas of the philosophy of psychiatry with particular focus on psychiatry and psychiatric conditions;
  • Demonstrate a high level of understanding regarding the interrelation between theories, values and lived experience;
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge of different types of philosophical analysis.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of psychiatry;
  2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of mental illness;
  3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of issues in psychiatric diagnosis;
  4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of mental illness, moral responsibility and the boundaries of the person;
  5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of religion, society and pathology;
  6. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of schizophrenia and psychosis;
  7. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of hearing voices;
  8. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of delusions and the nature of belief;
  9. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of depression and its philosophical issues;
  10. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of addiction and the will.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate a significantly expanded philosophical vocabulary and understanding with respect to key ideas in philosophy of psychiatry.
  • Critically engage in complex arguments both orally and through writing.
  • Ability to conduct research independently engaging with complex ideas and problems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of, and be conversant with, some of the fundamental concepts, issues and debates concerning mental health and its associated methods.
  • Ability to describe the main outlines of the history of the subject.
  • Ability to understand difficulties in making mental health diagnoses and possible solutions to these.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through a written examination (60%) and an oral examination (40%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The oral assessment will be by VLE and the student will be required to keep the web cam and microphone switched on. The pass mark is 50%.
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Identify differences between classical and contemporary psychoanalytic models;
  • Comply with the guiding ethical principles of psychotherapy sessions;
  • Appraise the differences between the different approaches to, and theories around, psychotherapy.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychotherapy, as related to the following topics:

– What is Psychotherapy?;
– Therapy Sessions;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of types of Psychotherapy, as related to the following topics:

– Cognitive Behavioural Therapy;
– Interpersonal Therapy;
– Dialectical Behaviour Therapy;
– Psychodynamic Therapy;
– Psychoanalysis;
– Supportive Therapy;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Psychoanalytical Theory (Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein), as related to the following topics:

– Understanding the Unconscious Mind;
– Rorschach Inkblots, Freudian Slip, Free Association, Dream Analysis;
– Clinical Applications of the Psychoanalytical Therapy;
– Critical Evaluation;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Humanistic Existential Theory, as related to the following topics:

– Using Humanistic and Existential Therapy;
– Essential Skills for this Approach;
– When to Use Humanistic and Existential Therapies;
– Duration and Frequency of Sessions;
– Initial Sessions;
– The Humanistic Approach to Therapy;
– Client-Centred Therapy;
– Transpersonal Therapy;
– Gestalt Therapy.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Knowledgeably differentiate between psychoanalytic and human-existing approaches to therapies;
  • Demonstrable understanding of the importance of integrating aspects of the patient’s history, symptoms, and other useful information in order to formulate the case;
  • Critically evaluate different ethical involvements in psychotherapy;
  • Ability to highlight the role of gender, class and culture in psychotherapy;
  • Assess the role of the psychotherapist’s personality in therapies.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through a written examination (60%) and an oral examination (40%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The oral assessment will be by VLE and the student will be required to keep the web cam and microphone switched on. The pass mark is 50%.
Practical Psychology
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Manage groups in an effective manner;
  • Monitor personal work and others’ work in a constructive manner;
  • Carry out tasks ensuring the implementation of reflective practices;
  • Make use of effective interpersonal skills during specific treatments.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Practical Psychology;
2.Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Interpersonal Skills, as related to the following topics:

– Verbal Communication;
– Non-Verbal Communication;
– Listening Skills;
– Negotiation;
– Problem Solving;
– Decision Making;
– Assertiveness;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Intrapersonal Skills, as related to the following topics:

– Analytical Thinking;
– Delegation;
– Productivity;
– Resilience;
– Resourcefulness;
– Strategic Thinking;
– Vision;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Groups, as related to the following topics:

– Command Groups;
– Task Groups;
– Functional Groups;
– Interest Groups;
– Friendship Groups;
– Reference Groups;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Leadership Skills, as related to the following topics:

– Communication;
– Goal Oriented;
– Motivation;
– Teams;
– Trust;
– Leading Change;
– Coaching;

6. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Conflict Management, as related to the following topics:

– Avoiding;
– Defeating;
– Compromising;
– Accommodating;
– Collaborating.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills;
  • Exhibiting strong intrapersonal skills;
  • Implement outstanding leadership skills;
  • Ability to evidence reflective practices within the field;
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.

Practice will be conducted through online tutorials, which will enable students to put into practice what they have studied during lectures.

These exercises will be carried out synchronously, with lecturers, tutors and other students, with the whole class, in small groups or one-to-one depending on the type of activity to be carried out.

The practice is not intended to professionalize students, as that is not the goal of the course, but to allow them to begin to understand the interpersonal dynamics that can take place and become familiar with the theories covered in the module.

Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen (100%). The presentation will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Research Project/Dissertation for Psychologists
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Collaborate with a dissertation supervisor;
  • Manage individual learning using full range of resources of the discipline and with minimum guidance;
  • Carry out self-evaluation and challenge received opinion, reflect on research, and seek out and
    make use of feedback effectively;
  • Manage information and undertake competency study tasks with minimal guidance;
  • Produce a critical approach to the data used;
  • Carry out the task following a principle of responsibility.
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence of Problem solving (linking theory to practice, developing own ideas with confidence, responding creatively to resolving problems, looking at a large number of studies critically identifying, selecting, and using appropriate sources of information);
  2. Evidence regarding Structure (identifying key demands of this research task, making decisions about task management, developing strategies to ensure individual progress, developing and implementing plans of action);
  3. Evidence regarding Time (managing time effectively as an individual in order to meet short-term and long-term deadlines, juggling multiple priorities and competing deadlines effectively, setting and maintaining work priorities);
  4. Evidence regarding Self-Review (taking responsibility for own learning and progress, learning from and using feedback from multiple sources, responding actively to feedback, dealing with and learning from criticism).
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Abilty to take responsibility for your own work and criticise it;
  • Effective engagement in debate in a professional manner, and produce detailed and coherent written work;
  • Identify complex problems and apply appropriate knowledge and methods to address them with confidence and flexibility;
  • Research autonomously with minimal supervision or direction, within agreed guidelines;
  • Abilty to manage time effectively in order to meet deadlines;
  • Critically identify key issues within a specific field in psychology, and produce an extended scientific dissertation reviewing that area;
  • Comprehensively evaluate theories in the specific domain of your dissertation;
  • Abilty to acquire detailed, systematic and comprehensive knowledge within the discipline, with in-depth specialisation at the forefront of the discipline in certain areas, and demonstrate advanced critical understanding of this knowledge and of the limits and provisional nature of this knowledge;
  • Demonstrate the ability to present information to an informed audience, with appropriate scholarly apparatus;
  • Abilty to communicate with professional level peers and subject specialists;
  • Completion of an appropriately structured CV.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 20
Explain how this module/unit will be taught

During the lectures the students will have the all the relevant information about the writing of the dissertation.

Then the students will be supported  in the writing process, having the possibility to send drafts to an appointed tutor, that will give precise feedback during every phase.

Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed The module is assessed through the dissertation submission (100%).
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Psychology of Ageing
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Evaluate the role of psychological theory and research on ageing and its application in psychological practice, including on both older clients and in consultation work with families and other health professionals;
  • Review the role of the psychologist as a therapist of older people;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the theory and research on the practice of psychology of ageing.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the limitations of applied theories for the study of human ageing;
  2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of priorities in geriatric care;
  3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of collaboration with other specialists and with patients in a direct way;
  4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of respecting the views and values of others, to take the initiative and to lead others;
  5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of communicating ideas effectively, promoting improvements in the field.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Knowledgeably evaluate the potential risk for discrimination against older clients;
  • Critically assess the models and concepts, in the clinical and health psychology of ageing;
  • Ability to describe and evaluate current evidence-based practice in the field of psychology of ageing;
  • Identify the various types of older clients and their challenges in seeking psychological support from psychologists in various settings.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an assignment (50%).

The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The assignement will be 1600 words.

Psychology of the Family
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Analyse changes in family structures and forms over the years;
  • Collaborate with personal family members by demonstrating good communication skills, under supervision.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Family Psychology, as related to the following topics:

– What is a ‘Family’?;
– History of Family Psychology;

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the Family, as related to the following topics:

– Models of Families;
– Blended Families;
– Separation and Divorce;
– Structures and Forms of Different Families;
– Roles within Families;
– Family and Child Abuse;
– Family Strengths;
– Domestic Violence within Families;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Theories and Psychological Perspective of Families, as related to the following topics:

– Attachment Theories (in Adults and Children);
– Resilience;
– Coercion Theory;
– Values of Families;
– Parenting within Families (Positive Parenting);
– Disciplinary Styles in Families;
– The Life Path of the Family;
– Assessment of the Family;
– Co-dependency;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Family Function and Dysfunction, as related to the following topics:

– Family Functioning;
– Family Dysfunction.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Demonstrate knowledge of the dynamic and complex world of families, and how and why they have transformed throughout the years;
· Ability to exhibit strong awareness of various frameworks and concepts that influence families and the situation which they find themselves in;
· Ability to assess values which are related to family;
· Demonstrate understanding of the issues that govern families as well as the changes that families are living through in today’s world;
· Knowledgeably identify common processes that exist in all families in different cultures and structures;
· Assess best treatments that match the requirements of issues in families;
· Evaluate the current change concept of families;
· Ability to understand the contingencies in which the family may find itself and how they may affect the dynamics of the couple;
· Identify the conflicting conditions a couple may find themselves in;
· Critically assess the balance between work and home.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of an individual assignment (100%). The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above. The assignement will be 1600 words.
Psychology of Sexuality
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

  • Critically analyse approaches to sex education;
  • Advise others with regard to difficulties in the sexual sphere and their treatments;
  • Apply and transmit the knowledge pertaining to safe sexual practices in order to avoid sexually transmitted infections and/or unwanted pregnancies where applicable.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Human Sexuality, as related to the following topics:

– Psychological Influences of Human Sexuality;
– Cultural and Societal Influences of Human Sexuality;
– Biological and Evolutionary Influences of Human Sexuality;
– Defining Gender;
– Sexual Behaviours;
– Anatomy and Physiology of the Reproductive System.

2. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Theoretical Perspectives on Human Sexuality, as related to the following topics:

– Psychoanalytic Theory;
– Cognitive Behavioural and Learning Theories;
– Exchange Theories;
– Personality Theories;
– Evolutionary Theory;

3. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Major Sexual Dysfunctions, as related to the following topics:

– What is Sexual Dysfunction?;
– Categories of Sexual Dysfunction (Desire Disorders, Arousal Disorders, Orgasm Disorders, Pain Disorders;
– Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions;

4. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Paraphilia, as related to the following topics:

– What is Paraphilia?
– Types of Paraphilia (Fetishism, Transvestism, Sadomasochism, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Pedophilia);
– Treatment of Paraphilic Disorders;

5. Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of Safer Sex and Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Critically assess the grounds for attraction and human sexuality;
  • Knowledgeably exhibit awareness of the different genders and gender identities;
  • Evaluate the various stages and dynamics of intimate relationships;
  • Demonstrate understanding of sexual behaviours, including the different perversions and possible treatments;
  • Identify the need for sex therapy. and source where to attain it;
  • Ability to suggest and discuss knowledge pertaining to safe sexual practices to avoid sexually transmitted infections and/or unwanted pregnancies, where applicable.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%).

The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.

Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the ability to:

· Demonstrate understanding of how social and cultural backgrounds can shape psychological experience;
· Articulate how intercultural values and beliefs about psychological normalcy can influence human development.
· Differentiate between ways of studying the psychological anthropology of past peoples.

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

· Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the implications of different theoretical paradigms in psychological anthropology.
· Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the history of psychological anthropology.
· Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of cultural components of mental wellbeing and illness and relevant clinical implications.
· Evidence of understanding the fundamentals of the relationships between individual experience and culture.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

· Ability to assess when claims about psychological universals or differences are credible and when they derive from cultural norms.
· Ability to compare methods of studying societies and cultures through individuals.
· Conduct and insightfully analyze original research applying methods of psychological anthropology.

Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module makes use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning is achieved through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as the ways in which learners are given a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. Thereby, learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area studied, as well as the capability to implement theories in practice. Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%). The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
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